Microsoft Mac Editor


可通过“Visual Studio”>“首选项”>“文本编辑器”>“颜色主题”菜单选项,将编辑器主题更改为 Visual Studio for Mac 中默认提供的 10 种颜色主题之一 :Editor themes can be changed to any of the 10 color schemes provided by default in Visual Studio for Mac via the Visual Studio > Preferences > Text Editor > Color Themes menu options:

Microsoft Mac Editor Free

添加新主题Adding new themes

10 Best Text Editors for Mac 1. Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text is probably one of the most famous text editors available. If you want a text editor which is as capable as Sublime Text but doesn’t cost a penny. Another popular text editor for Mac is Brackets which mainly.

  1. 2020-2-23  The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. A good page describing the code editor's features is here. It is licensed under the MIT License and supports Classic Edge, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. The Monaco editor is not supported in mobile browsers or mobile web frameworks. Find more information at the Monaco Editor repo.
  2. Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.

可添加新的颜色主题,前提是其格式受支持:New color themes can be added, provided they are in one of the supported formats:

  • Visual Studio (.vssettings)Visual Studio (.vssettings)
  • Xamarin Studio (.json)Xamarin Studio (.json)
  • TextMate (.tmTheme)TextMate (.tmTheme)

找到或创建新主题并将其下载到本地计算机后,可通过执行以下步骤添加它:Once you have found or created a new theme and downloaded it to your local machine, add it by doing the following steps:

Hold Windows and R keys simultaneously. Repair faulty microsoft 2016 on mac. If that is your case, here are the solutions.Solution 1: Open Word 2016 in Safe mode. Type in WinWord /safe and hit OKIf the Word 2016 application works normally in Safe Mode then,. Go to Word File menu, click Options - Add-ins - Go - Com-in Add.

  1. 选择“颜色主题选项”对话框中的“添加”按钮:颜色主题添加Select the Add button on the Color Themes Option dialog:
  2. 浏览本地计算机上的主题,并按“打开” 。Browse for the theme on your local machine and press Open.
  3. 主题将被添加到预安装的主题列表底部。The theme is added to the bottom of the pre-installed list of themes.若要预览主题,请选择它:To preview the theme, select it:
  4. 若要应用主题,请按“好的”按钮 。To apply the theme, press the Okay button.

可将编辑器行为设置为允许代码的格式与写入方式相同。Editor behaviors can be set to allow code to be formatted as it is written.可在“Visual Studio”>“首选项”>“文本编辑器”>“行为”下设置这些操作,以下介绍了一些常用的功能: These actions are set under Visual Studio > Preferences > Text Editor > Behavior, and some of the more commonly used functions are described below:

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  • 创建新的类、方法或属性时,会自动将匹配的右大括号添加到代码。Matching closing braces can be added automatically to code when creating new classes, methods, or properties.选中此选项时,键入 { 将自动添加 }When this option is selected, typing { will automatically add }.
  • 按下分号或大括号等字符会触发即时生成的代码格式,模拟已设置的格式首选项。On-the-fly code formatting is triggered by character presses, such as semi-colon or braces, which will emulate the formatting preferences that are set.
  • 也可以选择在保存文件时设置其格式,该方法允许按需写入代码,让 IDE 负责按现有的首选项设置代码格式。You can also choose to format the file when saving it, which allows the writing of code as desired and leaves the IDE responsible for formatting code as set by existing preferences.
  • 可将缩进设置为“无”、“自动”或“智能”。Indentation can be set to None, Auto, or Smart.这些设置会执行以下操作:These do the following:
    • 无 - 将脱字号设置到下一行的起始位置None - sets the caret to the start of the next line
    • 自动 - 将脱字号设置到下一行的同一列Auto - sets the caret to the same column on the next line
    • 智能 - 基于代码在下一行缩进Smart - indents on the following line based on the code
  • 不同 OS 有不同的断字行为,出于导航目的,文本编辑器需要知道字开始或结束的位置。Word-breaking behavior differs between OSes, and for navigation purposes, the text editor needs to know where words begin or end.可以将格式设置为 Unix 或 Windows。The formatting can be set to Unix or Windows.

也可以为 XML、CSS、HTML 和 JSON 设置格式规则。You can also set formatting rules for XML, CSS, HTML, and JSON.

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