Microsoft Teams Outlook Mac

2020-2-4  Microsoft Teams mac版,MicrosoftTeams是微软旗下的一款团队群聊协作软件,这款软件可以让团队沟通不再那么复杂,软件支持视频会议、支持文件实时共享还可以帮你安全的编辑文件,使用相,MicrosoftTeams,协作西西最安全的下载地址. Download Microsoft Teams and connect via Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices. Download the Microsoft Teams app for mobile or desktop here.


借助 Teams 会议加载项,用户可以从 Outlook 安排 Teams 会议。The Teams Meeting add-in lets users schedule a Teams meeting from Outlook.此加载项适用于 Windows 版 Outlook、Mac 版 Outlook、Outlook 网页版以及 Outlook 移动版。The add-in is available for Outlook on Windows, Mac, web, and mobile.

Windows 版 Outlook 中的 Teams 会议加载项Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook for Windows

对于在其 Windows PC 上安装了 Microsoft Teams 和 Office 2010、Office 2013 或 Office 2016 的用户,会自动安装 Teams 会议加载项。The Teams Meeting add-in is automatically installed for users who have Microsoft Teams and either Office 2010, Office 2013 or Office 2016 installed on their Windows PC.用户将在 Outlook 日历功能区看到 Teams 会议加载项。Users will see the Teams Meeting add-in on the Outlook Calendar ribbon.

Microsoft Teams meetings are not supported in Outlook for Mac noobient 2018-09-04 Just one more thing to keep in mind if you decide to pull the trigger and migrate from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams: even though Microsoft claims to have completed transition of Skype for Business Online features to Teams, there’s one. 立即下载 Microsoft Teams,并在 Windows、Mac、iOS 和 Android 上进行跨设备连接。使用 Microsoft Teams 应用程序实现更好地协作。 使用 Windows、Mac、iOS 和 Android 设备随时随地通过 Teams 取得联系,或通过 Teams 邀请远程参与者进入各种规模的会议.


  • 如果你的组织同时运行团队和 Skype for business,则有其他注意事项。There are additional considerations if your organization runs both Teams and Skype for Business.在某些情况下,'团队外接程序' 在 Outlook 中不可用。Under some circumstances, the Teams add-in is not available in Outlook.有关详细信息,请参阅从 Skype For Business 升级到团队。See Upgrade from Skype for Business to Teams for details.
  • 执行 Regsvr32.exe 文件的用户权限是将 Teams 会议加载项安装在计算机上的最低要求。User permissions to execute the Regsvr32.exe file is a minimum requirement for the Teams Meeting add-in to be installed on the computer.
  • 如果用户未看到 Teams 会议外接程序,请指示他们关闭 Outlook 和 Teams,然后按以下顺序执行操作:先重新启动 Teams 客户端,然后登录 Teams,再重新启动 Outlook 客户端。If users do not see the Teams Meeting add-in, instruct them to close Outlook and Teams, then restart the Teams client first, then sign in to Teams, and then restart the Outlook client, in that specific order.
  • 如果使用的是来自 Microsoft Store 的 Office Outlook 安装,则不支持 Teams 会议加载项。If you are using an Office Outlook installation from the Microsoft Store, the Teams Meeting add-in isn't supported.建议需要此加载项的用户安装 Office 的即点即用版本,如在 Windows 10 S 模式中的 Office 一文中所述。Users who require this add-in are advised to install Click-to-Run version of Office, as outlined in Office on Windows 10 in S mode article.

Outlook for Mac 中的 Teams 会议加载项Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook for Mac

Microsoft Teams Outlook Mac

如果 Outlook 运行生产内部版本 16.24.414.0 和更高版本并使用 Office 365 客户端订阅激活,则 Outlook for Mac 中的“Teams 会议”按钮将显示在 Outlook for Mac 功能区中。The Teams Meeting button in Outlook for Mac will appear in the Outlook for Mac ribbon if Outlook is running production build 16.24.414.0 and later and is activated with an Office 365 client subscription.


用户单击“发送”后,会议协调(Teams 联接链接和拨入号码)将添加到会议邀请。****The meeting coordinates (the Teams join link and dial-in numbers) will be added to the meeting invite after the user clicks Send.

Outlook Web App 中的 Teams 会议加载项Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook Web App

若用户在使用新 Outlook 网页版的早期版本,Outlook Web App 中的“Teams 会议”按钮将作为新事件创建的一部分显示。The Teams Meetings button in Outlook Web App will appear as part of new event creation if the user is on an early version of the new Outlook on the web.若要了解用户如何试用新 Outlook 网页版的早期版本,请参阅 Outlook 博客。See the Outlook Blog to learn about how users can try the early version of the new Outlook on the web.

用户单击“发送”后,会议协调(Teams 联接链接和拨入号码)将添加到会议邀请。****The meeting coordinates (the Teams join link and dial-in numbers) will be added to the meeting invite after the user clicks Send.

Outlook 移动版(iOS 和 Android)中的 Teams 会议加载项Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook mobile (iOS and Android)

“Teams 会议”按钮会在 Outlook iOS 和 Android 应用的最新版本中显示。The Teams Meeting button shows up in latest builds of the Outlook iOS and Android app.

用户单击“发送”后,会议协调(Teams 联接链接和拨入号码)将添加到会议邀请。****The meeting coordinates (the Teams join link and dial-in numbers) will be added to the meeting invite after the user clicks Send.

Teams 会议加载项和 Outlook 的 FindTimeTeams Meeting add-in in and FindTime for Outlook

FindTime 是帮助公司之间在会议时间上达成一致的 Outlook 加载项。FindTime is an add-in for Outlook that helps users reach a consensus on a meeting time across companies.会议受邀者提供首选时间后,FindTime 将代表用户发出会议邀请。Once the meeting invitees have provided their preferred times, FindTime sends out the meeting invite on the user's behalf.若在 FindTime 中选择了“联机会议”选项,FindTime 将安排 Skype for Business 或 Microsoft Teams 会议。****If the Online meeting option is selected in FindTime, FindTime will schedule a Skype for Business or Microsoft Teams meeting.(FindTime 会将组织设置的内容用作默认的联机会议频道。)(FindTime will use whichever has been set by your organization as the default online meeting channel.)


若在 Findtime 仪表板中保存了 Skype for Business 设置,FindTime 将使用此设置,而不使用 Microsoft Teams。If you saved a Skype for Business setting in your Findtime dashboard, FindTime will use that instead of Microsoft Teams.若想要使用 Microsoft Teams,请在仪表板中删除 Skype for Business 设置。If you want to use Microsoft Teams, delete the Skype for Business setting in your dashboard.

有关详细信息,请参阅使用 FindTime 安排会议。See Schedule meetings with FindTime for more information.

身份验证要求Authentication requirements

Teams 会议外接程序要求用户使用新式身份验证登录 Teams。The Teams Meeting add-in requires users to sign in to Teams using Modern Authentication.如果用户不使用此方法登录,他们仍然能够使用团队客户端,但无法使用 Outlook 加载项安排团队联机会议。If users do not use this method to sign in, they'll still be able to use the Teams client, but will be unable to schedule Teams online meetings using the Outlook add-in.可以通过以下方式之一解决此问题:You can fix this by doing one of the following:

  • 如果贵组织未配置新式身份验证,则应配置新式身份验证。If Modern Authentication is not configured for your organization, you should configure Modern Authentication.
  • 如果配置了新式身份验证,但他们在对话框中取消了,则应该指示用户使用多重身份验证重新登录。If Modern Authentication is configured, but they canceled out on the dialog box, you should instruct users to sign in again using multi-factor authentication.

要了解关于如何配置身份验证的详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft Teams 中的标识模式和身份验证。To learn more about how to configure authentication, see Identity models and authentication in Microsoft Teams.

启用私人会议Enable private meetings

必须在 Microsoft Teams 管理中心中启用“允许安排私人会议”,才能部署该加载项。****Allow scheduling for private meetings must be enabled in the Microsoft Teams admin center for the add-in to get deployed.在管理中心中,转到“会议” > “会议策略”,然后在“常规”部分中将“允许安排私人会议”切换为“启用”。****************In the admin center, go to Meetings > Meeting Policies, and in the General section, toggle Allow scheduling private meetings to On.)

Teams 客户端通过确定用户需要 32 位还是 64 位版本来安装正确的外接程序。The Teams client installs the correct add-in by determining if users need the 32-bit or 64-bit version.

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Install Microsoft Teams

在安装或升级 Teams 后,用户可能需要重新启动 Outlook 才能获得最新的外接程序。Users might need to restart Outlook after an installation or upgrade of Teams to get the latest add-in.

Teams 升级策略和适用于 Outlook 的 Teams 会议加载项Teams upgrade policy and the Teams Meeting add-in for Outlook

客户可以选择从 Skype for Business 到 Teams 的升级过程。Customers can choose their upgrade journey from Skype for Business to Teams.租户管理员可以使用 Teams 共存模式来定义用户的这一过程。Tenant admins can use the Teams co-existence mode to define this journey for their users.租户管理员可以选择允许用户并行使用 Teams 和 Skype for Business(孤岛模式)。Tenant admins have the option to enable users to use Teams alongside Skype for Business (Islands mode).

处于孤岛模式的用户在 Outlook 中安排会议时,这些用户通常希望能够选择是安排 Skype for Business 还是 Teams 会议。When users who are in Island mode schedule a meeting in Outlook, they typically expect to be able to choose whether to schedule a Skype for Business or a Teams meeting.在 Outlook 网页版、Outlook Windows 和 Outlook Mac 中,用户处于孤岛模式时将同时看到 Skype for Business 和 Teams 加载项。In Outlook on the web, Outlook Windows, and Outlook Mac, users see both Skype for Business and Teams add-ins when in Islands mode.由于初始版本中的某些限制,Outlook 移动版仅可以支持创建 Skype for Business Teams 会议。Due to certain limitations in the initial release, Outlook mobile can only support creating Skype for Business or Teams meetings.有关详细信息,请参阅下表。See the following table for details.

Teams 管理中心中的共存模式Coexistence mode in the Teams admin centerOutlook 移动版中的默认会议提供商Default meetings provider in Outlook mobile
孤岛IslandsSkype for BusinessSkype for Business
仅 Skype for BusinessSkype for Business onlySkype for BusinessSkype for Business
Skype for Business 和 Teams 协作Skype for Business with Teams collaborationSkype for BusinessSkype for Business
Skype for Business 和 Teams 协作及会议Skype for Business with Teams collaboration and meetingsTeamsTeams
仅 TeamsTeams onlyTeamsTeams

其他注意事项Other considerations

Microsoft Team For Mac

Teams 会议外接程序仍是正在构建的功能,因此请注意以下事项:The Teams Meeting add-in is still building functionality, so be aware of the following:

  • 此外接程序用于特定参与者的安排会议,而非用于频道中的会议。The add-in is for scheduled meetings with specific participants, not for meetings in a channel.频道会议必须从 Teams 中安排。Channel meetings must be scheduled from within Teams.
  • 若身份验证代理在用户电脑和 Teams 服务的网络路径中,此加载项将无法运行。The add-in will not work if an Authentication Proxy is in the network path of user's PC and Teams Services.
  • 用户无法在 Outlook 中安排直播活动。Users can't schedule live events from within Outlook.若要安排直播活动,请转到 Teams。Go to Teams to schedule live events.有关详细信息,请参阅什么是 Microsoft Teams 直播活动?。For more information, see What are Microsoft Teams live events?.


若无法安装 Outlook 的 Teams 会议加载项,请尝试下列故障排除步骤。If you cannot get the Teams Meeting add-in for Outlook to install, try these troubleshooting steps.

  • 确保已应用所有可用的 Outlook 桌面客户端更新。Ensure all available updates for Outlook desktop client have been applied.
  • 重启 Teams 桌面客户端。Restart the Teams desktop client.
  • 注销,然后重新登录到 Teams 桌面客户端。Sign out and then sign back in to the Teams desktop client.
  • 重启 Outlook 桌面客户端。Restart the Outlook desktop client.(请确保 Outlook 未在管理员模式下运行。)(Make sure Outlook isn't running in admin mode.)
  • 确保登录的用户帐户名称不包含空格。Make sure the logged-in user account name does not contain spaces.(这是一个已知问题,将在后续更新中修复。)(This is a known issue, and will be fixed in a future update.)
  • 确保单一登录 (SSO) 已启用。Make sure single sign-on (SSO) is enabled.

若管理员已配置 Microsoft Exchange 来控制对 Exchange Web Server (EWS) 的访问,则代理无法代表上级安排 Teams 会议。If your administrator has configured Microsoft Exchange to control access to Exchange Web Server (EWS), a delegate won't be able to schedule a Teams meeting on behalf of the boss.此配置的解决方案正在开发中,未来将予以发布。The solution for this configuration is under development and will be released in the future.

有关如何禁用外接程序的一般指导,请参阅在 Office 程序中查看、管理和安装外接程序。For general guidance about how to disable add-ins, see View, manage, and install add-ins in Office programs.

Microsoft Teams Outlook Mac 2017

详细了解 Microsoft Teams 中的会议和通话。Learn more about meetings and calling in Microsoft Teams.