Use Onenote In Microsoft Word Mac

2018-10-13  Quick Start Guide New to OneNote for Mac? Use this guide to learn the basics. OneNote for Mac Get quick access to tools and commands See what OneNote for Mac can do by clicking the ribbon tabs and exploring new and familiar tools. Share your notes Share your notebooks or invite others to edit. Tag important information. OneNote now has a consistent interface that works the same on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Sign in with your personal Microsoft account, or the account you use for work or school. Add a new page or section. Select + Page or + Section in the left-hand navigation pane. Go to another page or section. Select it in the left-hand navigation pane.

  1. Use Onenote In Microsoft Word Mac Download
  2. The Use Of Will
  3. In Use Stability
  4. Microsoft Office Mac

You can now get Office Add-ins from the Store or use Add-ins you already have from right within recent versions of Word for Mac and Excel for Mac.

There are two kinds of add-ins: Office Add-ins from the Office Store (which use web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and add-ins made by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

If you're looking for a built-in add-in such as Solver or Analysis ToolPak, select the Tools menu and then select Add-ins.

Get an Office Store add-in for Word or Excel for Mac

  1. On the Insert menu, select Add-ins.

  2. To get new add-ins, select Store. To use add-ins you already have, select My Add-ins.

    • The add-ins you'll see will depend on the app you're using and the kind of Office 365 subscription you have.

    • Office for Mac doesn't currently support organization-based add-ins.

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Get a VBA add-in for Word or Excel for Mac

  1. On the Tools menu, select Add-Ins.

    Microsoft onenote mac cannot create notebook screen. Jan 25, 2018  Then check if you can expand the drop down menu in the Where box and choose OneDrive for Business or personal OneDrive to save the nee created notebook. If you still cannot create new notebook in OneNote, please provide the following information for troubleshooting. When I try to create a new notebook in OneNote for Mac, I receive the following error: Cannot Create This Notebook. The location may not be available at this time, or you might not have permission to save files on it. Also try using fewer characters in your notebook name.

  2. In the Add-Ins available box, select the add-in you want, and then click OK.


Office Add-ins aren't available in Office for Mac 2011. They're only available in newer versions.


有两个版本的 OneNote 可以部署到拥有运行 Windows 的设备的组织中的用户:There are two versions of OneNote that you can deploy to users in your organizations who have devices running Windows:

  • OneNote 2016,它是 Office suite 的一部分。OneNote 2016, which is part of the Office suite.
  • OneNote For windows 10,其中包含在运行 windows 10 的设备上。OneNote for Windows 10, which is included on devices running Windows 10.

Use Onenote In Microsoft Word Mac Download

这两个版本均受支持,可继续接收新功能。Both versions are supported and continue to receive new features.例如,已将深色模式添加到最近2019中的 OneNote 2016。For example, Dark Mode was added to OneNote 2016 in late 2019.

自2020年3月,当你部署 Office 365 专业增强版、Office 365 企业版或 Office 2019 时,OneNote 2016 将包含在其他 Office 应用(如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)中。As of March 2020, OneNote 2016 is included alongside the other Office apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, when you deploy Office 365 ProPlus, Office 365 Business, or Office 2019.但是,如果需要,您可以排除安装 OneNote 2016。But, if you want to, you can exclude OneNote 2016 from being installed.有关详细信息,请参阅OneNote 2016 部署指南。For more information, see OneNote 2016 deployment guidance.

为你的组织选择 OneNote 版本Choose the version of OneNote for your organization

OneNote 2016 和 OneNote for Windows 10 都可以安装在同一台设备上并并行使用。Both OneNote 2016 and OneNote for Windows 10 can be installed on the same device and used side by side.OneNote 的每个版本都可以访问和同步与相同的基于云的笔记本,例如存储在 OneDrive for business、SharePoint Online 或 SharePoint Server 中的笔记本。Each version of OneNote can access and sync with the same cloud-based notebooks, such as notebooks stored in OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online, or SharePoint Server.即使笔记本是基于云的,也会将每个笔记本的副本缓存在用户的设备上,以便用户即使在设备未连接到 internet 时也可以访问它们。Even though the notebooks are cloud-based, a copy of each notebook is cached on the user's device so that users can access them even when the device isn't connected to the internet.但是,OneNote for Windows 10 无法使用本地笔记本,这是存储在用户的设备上或网络上的文件共享上的 OneNote 文件。But, OneNote for Windows 10 can't use local notebooks, which are OneNote files that are stored on the user's device or on a file share on the network.

你可以通过这两个版本的 OneNote 向组织中的用户提供,以便他们可以选择最适合其需要的版本。You can provide users in your organization with both versions of OneNote so that they can choose which version best suits their needs.用户可以在其设备上设置默认的 OneNote 版本。Users can set which OneNote version is the default on their device.或者,你可以决定仅在运行 Windows 的设备上提供 OneNote 的一个版本。Or, you can decide to provide only one version of OneNote on their devices running Windows.

在以下情况下,OneNote 2016 可能是您的组织的更好选择:OneNote 2016 might be the better choice for your organization in the following situations:

  • 你的用户主要依赖于本地笔记本,而你不想将这些笔记本迁移到云。Your users rely primarily on local notebooks and you don't want to migrate these notebooks to the cloud.
  • 大多数现有用户已针对 OneNote 2016 甚至 OneNote 2013 进行了培训,因此他们已熟悉用户界面。Most of your existing users are already trained on OneNote 2016, or even OneNote 2013, so they're already familiar with the user interface.
  • 您想要为用户自定义 OneNote 设置,可通过组策略使用。You want to customize OneNote settings for your users, which is available through Group Policy.

在以下情况下,OneNote for Windows 10 可能会更好地替代你的组织:OneNote for Windows 10 might be a better alternative for your organization in the following situations:

  • 大多数用户都是 OneNote 的新用户。Most of your users are new to OneNote.OneNote for Windows 10 具有旨在更易于导航新用户的用户界面。OneNote for Windows 10 has a user interface that is designed to be easier to navigate for new users.
  • 你的组织在多个平台(如 Mac、web 和 iPad)上支持 OneNote。Your organization supports OneNote on multiple platforms, such as Mac, web, and iPad.OneNote 跨这些平台(包括 OneNote for Windows 10)具有一致的用户界面。OneNote across these platforms, including OneNote for Windows 10, have a consistent user interface.

有关详细信息,请参阅 OneNote 和 OneNote 2016 之间的区别是什么?For more information, see What's the difference between OneNote and OneNote 2016?

OneNote 2016 部署指南OneNote 2016 deployment guidance

在组织中部署 Office 时,可以使用Office 部署工具或企业部署软件(如 Microsoft 终结点配置管理器)包括或排除 OneNote 2016。You can use the Office Deployment Tool or enterprise deployment software, such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, to include or exclude OneNote 2016 when you deploy Office in your organization.

自2020年3月,当你部署 Office 365 专业增强版、Office 365 企业版或 Office 2019 时,OneNote 2016 将包含在其他 Office 应用(如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)中。As of March 2020, OneNote 2016 is included alongside the other Office apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, when you deploy Office 365 ProPlus, Office 365 Business, or Office 2019.在安装新安装的 Office 时,无需执行任何其他步骤即可加入 OneNote 2016。There are no additional steps you need to take to include OneNote 2016 with new installations of Office.但是,请始终确保在部署之前检查部署设置,例如在配置管理器(当前分支)或 Microsoft Intune 中使用向导时。But, always be sure to check the deployment settings before you deploy, for example when using the wizards in Configuration Manager (current branch) or Microsoft Intune.

将 OneNote 2016 添加到现有 Office 安装To add OneNote 2016 to an existing installation of Office

如果设备上已安装 Office,但未安装 OneNote 2016,则可以在设备上运行 Office 部署工具并使用以下配置 .xml 文件添加 OneNote 2016。If Office is already installed on the device, but OneNote 2016 didn't get installed, you can run the Office Deployment Tool on the device and use the following configuration.xml file to add OneNote 2016.

尽管你正在部署 freemium 版本的 OneNote,但用户首次在安装 OneNote 后打开 OneNote 时,许可证将自动更新为与设备上已安装的 Office 版本相同的许可证。Although you're deploying the freemium version of OneNote, the first time the user opens OneNote after it's installed, the license will update automatically to the same license as the version of Office already installed on the device.


使用 OneNoteFreeRetail 的批量许可版本的 Office 2019 (如 Office Professional Plus 2019 或 Office Standard 2019)不受支持。Using OneNoteFreeRetail isn't supported with volume licensed versions of Office 2019, such as Office Professional Plus 2019 or Office Standard 2019.若要将 OneNote 2016 添加回这些版本的 Office,请运行联机修复。To add OneNote 2016 back to these versions of Office, run an Online Repair.

排除安装 OneNote 2016To exclude OneNote 2016 from being installed

有不同的方法可排除使用 Office 安装的 OneNote 2016,具体取决于你正在使用的部署方法,如下表所示。There are different ways to exclude OneNote 2016 from being installed with Office, depending on which deployment method you're using, as shown in the following table.

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Office 部署工具Office Deployment Tool可以在配置 .xml 文件中使用ExcludeApp 元素。You can use the ExcludeApp element in your configuration.xml file.
我们建议你使用Office 自定义工具来帮助你创建配置 .xml 文件。We recommend that you use the Office Customization Tool to help you create your configuration.xml file.
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (Current Branch)Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (current branch)在 Office 365 客户端安装向导中,你可以在配置 Office 设置时将OneNote 2016设置为关闭位置。In the Office 365 Client Installation wizard, you can set OneNote 2016 to the Off position when you configure the Office settings.
Microsoft IntuneMicrosoft Intune在 '配置应用套件' 页面上,可以在 '选择 Office 应用' 下拉列表中清除 OneNote 2016 的复选框。On the Configure app suite page, you can clear the check box for OneNote 2016 in the Select Office apps drop-down list.

但是,如果你允许用户从 Office 365 门户为自己安装 Office,则无法将 OneNote 2016 排除在安装中。But, if you're allowing your users to install Office for themselves from the Office 365 portal, there is no way to exclude OneNote 2016 from being installed.

OneNote for Windows 10 部署指南OneNote for Windows 10 deployment guidance

默认情况下,OneNote for Windows 10 在运行 Windows 10 的计算机上安装。OneNote for Windows 10 is installed by default on computers running Windows 10.如果你允许用户从 Microsoft Store 安装应用,也可以直接从Microsoft Store安装它。Users can also install it directly from the Microsoft Store, if you allow them to install apps from there.在任何一种情况下,OneNote for Windows 10 更新均直接来自 Microsoft Store。In either case, updates to OneNote for Windows 10 come directly from the Microsoft Store.

如果你不希望用户直接从 Microsoft Store 安装应用,则可以在你的组织中设置 Microsoft Store for Business。If you don't want your users to install apps directly from the Microsoft Store, you can set up the Microsoft Store for Business in your organization.这样,您可以控制您的用户可以安装的 Microsoft 商店应用,包括 OneNote Windows 10 版。This allows you to control which Microsoft Store apps your users can install, including OneNote for Windows 10.有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft Store For Business 概述For more information, see Microsoft Store for Business overview

如果你打算将用户移动到 OneNote for Windows 10,请确保其笔记本已移动到云存储位置,如 OneDrive for Business。为此,你可以为他们提供将 OneNote 从计算机移至 OneDrive 的说明。If you plan to move your users to OneNote for Windows 10, make sure their notebooks have been moved to a cloud storage location, such as OneDrive for Business. To do that, you can provide them the instructions in Move OneNote notebooks from your computer to OneDrive.

如果你计划将用户从 OneNote for Windows 10 移动到 OneNote 2016,则迁移其笔记本不需要任何步骤。If you plan to move your users from OneNote for Windows 10 to OneNote 2016, no steps are needed to migrate their notebooks.在 OneNote 2016 中使用相同的用户帐户登录后,与其用户帐户关联的所有基于云的笔记本都将可访问。All cloud-based notebooks associated with their user account will be accessible in OneNote 2016 after they sign in with that same user account.

有关部署 OneNote 的其他信息Additional information about deploying OneNote

Configure OneNote 2016 settings: You can use Group Policy to configure certain OneNote 2016 settings for your users.Configure OneNote 2016 settings: You can use Group Policy to configure certain OneNote 2016 settings for your users.若要使用组策略,请从 Microsoft 下载中心下载 Office 的最新管理模板文件(ADMX/ADML) ,并使用 Active Directory 域服务(AD DS)实现策略设置。To use Group Policy, download the latest Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML) for Office from the Microsoft Download Center and implement the policy settings by using Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).


  • 组策略要求使用 OneNote 2016 的设备加入 Active Directory 域。Group Policy requires the devices with OneNote 2016 to be joined to an Active Directory domain.
  • 大多数这些相同的策略设置都可以通过使用Office 云策略服务来应用,而不需要将设备加入域。Most of these same policy settings can be applied by using the Office cloud policy service, which doesn't require the device to be joined to a domain.
  • 组策略和 Office 云策略服务均可用于 Office 365 Business 或 OneNote for Windows 10。Neither Group Policy nor Office cloud policy service can be used with Office 365 Business or with OneNote for Windows 10.

支持日期: 2019年11月,我们宣布,OneNote 2016 的主流支持将持续到10月2023。Support dates: In November 2019, we announced that mainstream support for OneNote 2016 will continue until October 2023.扩展支持保持不变,结束于2025年10月。Extended supported remains the same, ending in October 2025.这些日期与 Office 2019 的支持日期相一致。These dates align with the support dates for Office 2019.这些特定的支持日期仅适用于 Office 版本(如 Office Professional Plus 2016)随附的 OneNote,可用作一次性购买或批量许可协议。These specific support dates apply only to OneNote included with versions of Office, such as Office Professional Plus 2016, that are available as a one-time purchase or through volume licensing agreements.

支持的语言: 虽然 OneNote 2016 和 OneNote Windows 10 版均以大部分相同的语言提供,但 也存在一些区别。Supported languages: While both OneNote 2016 and OneNote for Windows 10 are available in most of the same languages, there are a few differences.此处提供受支持语言的列表: onenote 2016, onenote for Windows 10The lists of the supported languages are available here: OneNote 2016, OneNote for Windows 10

其他平台: 还有一些版本的 OneNote for Mac、iPad、iPhone、Android 和 web 浏览器。Other platforms: There are also versions of OneNote for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, and for web browsers.有关详细信息,请参阅OneNote 帮助 & 学习。For more information, see OneNote help & learning.

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Use Onenote In Microsoft Word Mac

Microsoft Office Mac

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